Saturday, September 9, 2017

Sept. 9, 2017 - Psalm 39 - Glen Mills, PA

In this Psalm, David examines himself, and finds that he is nothing but vanity. He realizes that his life is but the length of a hand's breadth. He realizes his own frailty, and the folly of building up riches, so that others may spend them. He begs God to forgive his sins. He declares that his hope is in the Lord. He strongly desires God's fellowship.

We went on vacation last week to Florida, which is now on the verge of a major hurricane! During that time, we had some friends take care of our bird. Unfortunately, they accidentally lost the bird, and now he is gone! Psalm 39 and our poor lost bird remind me of the frailty of this life. It is really sad, if I am limited to this life only. During our time in Florida, we visited our old friend, Lillian, who is in a retirement home. It is somewhat discouraging to see how limited the people are as they advance in age. If this world is all there is, it would be very depressing to consider the future.

That is why I, like David, put my hope in the Lord. Consider Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith. What a Man! What a God! My great Shepherd! No one will snatch me out of His hand! He is preparing a place for me, and I will go there and be with Him forever. He is Lord! He is risen from the dead! Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future, and life is worth the living, just because He lives!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Psalm 31: Sept. 3, 2017 - Melbourne Beach, Fl

The Pluses:

never put to shame
inclined ear from God
speedy rescue
rock of refuge (4x)
strong fortress to save (2x)
seen my affliction
known the distress of my soul
set my feet in a broad place

The Negatives:
the net hidden for me
bones wasting away
reproach because of adversaries
object of dread

rejoice and be glad in Your steadfast love
be gracious
let me not be put to shame
destruction of enemies
how abundant is Your goodness
Blessed be the Lord, for His steadfast love

To the saints:
Love the Lord, all you his saints
Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!