Saturday, August 6, 2016

WeChat ESL Class on August 27, 2016

A. High Lights of the week

B. Breaking News of the world

C. Short Story: Life in Fear

The terrorist attacks have scared a lot of people from studying abroad. Many students go to big cities to take pictures, shop, and explore. Terrorists attack these big cities though, because they know that there will be a lot of people. The truth is, we should not stop people from studying abroad. These terrorist attacks can happen anytime. We can't live life in fear. We must do the things we love.

People are also scared to travel in general, because of plane accidents. Terrorists often bring explosives on planes. Some people are also scared of dying on a plane. All the passengers in Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 are missing. We still don't know what happened to them. Not too long after, all the passengers in Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 died. It was a very tragic event.
It is scary that our lives can end so quickly and suddenly. We need to live life to the fullest. We need to love the people around us and be thankful for every day that we live. There are always news stories about people dying before they should. It's not the best thing to hear about, but it makes us more aware of our own lives.

D. American Idioms 

  • A penny for your thoughts
  • Add insult to injury
  • A hot potato
  • Once in a blue moon
  • Caught between two stools
  • See eye to eye
  • Hear it on the grapevine
  • Miss the boat
  • Kill two birds with one stone
  • On the ball

    E. Bible Story -The Map of Life

    The boy had never seen his father study a map so carefully.
    The little boy watches his father studying a city map. The boy asks, "Why do you need a Map?"
    "Because we're going where we've never been before. Perhaps I can find work in this city," replies his father.
    The boy thinks more. Suddenly he says, "Father, my birthday is coming soon. I shouldn't ask for much, but there is one thing you can give me."
    "I'll give you whatever I can, son. What is it you want?"
    The boy answers, "A map."
    The father is puzzled. "Why do you want a map?"
    The boy explains, "Because I am growing older. I will be going where I have never been before. And you said, 'For that, one needs a map'."
    Suppose you are the boy's father or mother. What would you give to meet your son's need for a sense of direction in life?

    Why Consider The Bible?

    Consider the Bible as the Map for life. Its wisdom spans many centuries, yet millions today find its message as fresh and relevant as ever. They find that its principles work in daily life - in every stage of life. They discover purpose for living. That purpose gives them hope for now and for the future - even beyond this life. They believe in a home with God forever. In other words, they believe the Bible when it claims to speak for God.
    In seeking a map for life, consider the Bible's claims. Again and again, it assures us that it is the pure word from our Maker. Yes, the Map for life.
    In over 2,000 places the prophets of the Bible say things like this:
    The Lord said to me . . .
    These are the words of the Lord . . .
    This is what the Lord says . . .
    Moses said that God's laws, the Ten Commandments, were written "by the finger of God" on stone tablets (Exodus 31:18). He reported that God spoke with him "face to face, as a man speaks with his friend" (Exodus 33:11).
    King David said,
    The Spirit of the Lord spoke through me; His word was on my tongue (2 Samuel 23:2-3).
    The prophet Jeremiah wrote,
    Then the Lord reached out His hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "Now, I have put My words in your mouth" (Jeremiah 1:9).
    We must seriously ask, "Did these prophets have a bad habit of lying? Or were they telling the truth, and God really did speak through them?"
    Jesus assured us that the Bible prophets spoke the truth.
    • He relied on their reports of history (Matthew 12:40; 24:37-39).
    • He trusted in all their writings - also called Scriptures - and taught us the same trust (Matthew 5:17-19; Luke 16:17,29; 24:27,44; John 5:39-47).
    • He based His teachings on the exact words they used (Matthew 19:5-6; 22:32). He asked, "Have you not read what God said to you?" (Matthew 22:31-32). -He reminded us, "The Scriptures cannot be broken" (John 10:35).
    The apostles [Jesus' spokesmen] Paul and Peter taught the same thing.
    All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
    For prophecy [God's message] never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21).
    1. [2 Samuel 23:2-3] King David said, "The Spirit of the LORD spoke through..."
    2. [Jeremiah 1:9] "The Lord reached out His hand and touched my..."
    3. [John 10:35] Jesus said, "The Scriptures cannot be..."
    4. [2 Timothy 3:16-17] All Scripture is...


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