Saturday, April 9, 2016

ESL teaching Links

Section 2: 10 Good Bible stories to study English

1. The Wedding at Cana

2. A Visit - The Queen of Sheba visits King Solomon
1 Kings 10:1-13; 2 Chronicles 9:1-12

3. Mary and Martha - Luke 10: 38-42
Why don't you help with the preparations?

4. The Servant Girl and her Master - 2 Kings 5:1-16

5. Jesus' birth and first visitors - Luke 2:1-20

6. Etiquette re: Places of Honour - Luke 14: 7-11

In the Bible, find Meal Wordings such as:

When you give a luncheon or dinner, do invite....
When you give a luncheon or dinner, do NOT invite...

Come, for everything is ready now. Luke 14:17
Eat what is set before you.

7. The judge and the Widow - Luke 18:1-8

8. Do not worry about - food,... Luke 12:22-28

9. Children and Parents...Ephesians 6:1-4; Colosians 3:20-21

10. Education for "Royal Service" and the
10-day "Scientific Test" of Daniel - Daniel 1:3-21

Section 3: Sample Activities of one Bible Story: The Wedding at Cana

- You can find this story in your 2 Bibles: your English one and the one in your language Bible.

- Look for The wedding at Cana.... in John 2:1-12.

± Photocopy the story.

± Ask a good English speaker to read the story on audio tape.

± Listen and read the story in English and in your other language(s).
English : (Language)
3:1 (three to one)

± Ask 3 questions about English (using the story is good). Learn with your teacher.
(words, meanings, phrasing, grammar, pronunciation, word order, dictionary entries, story structure, timing words, logic words, substitution of words, alternatives...)

± Say/(pronouce) sentences or the whole story with your teacher.
Circle the problems. Learn.

± Close the book and write the story the way it is in the book.

± Write the story in your own words. Add other ideas and words. (Closed book better.)

± Learn the story by heart. Tell it to some people. (Close the book and say the same words from the book.) Tell some sentences to many English people and see, if they understand you.

± Tell the story in your own words and tell what else
you think happened.

± Write about a birthday party with the same kind of sentences.

± Tell about another wedding.

± Write about another wedding.

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